Move_character : Move given character to indicated coordinates Process_cq : Instantly complete all construction in que Give_trait : Given character gets given trait at indicated levelĪdd_population : Increase population in given city by given amountĪuto_win : Indicated side automatically wins Give_trait_points : Get points for given character's trait Jericho:ğalling walls in siege in battle map modeįorce_diplomacy :ğorce opponent to accept diplomatic proposal Oliphaunt:Ĕ0 percent larger elephants in campaign modeĬreate_unit :Ĝreate unit with given stats Gamestop:đ0 percent cheaper units in campaign modeīestbuy:đ0 percent cheaper units in campaign mode
Press ~ during gameplay to access the console, then enter the following: Some of these can only be used once per game.